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- ·上一篇文章:里约热内卢 仓储和拖车运输服务
- ·下一篇文章:威尼斯 南方航空公司
与各大航运企业保持了良好的长期战略合作关系,具有优势签约价,航线覆盖全球,可以直接租船订舱。尤其在水陆联运、海铁联运、海空联运等方面具备一定优势。成立伊始即建立健全了各项公司管理制度,公司拥有先进的IT信息系统,为客户提供一流的物流技术。Our commitment is to provide professional services to our customers, and effectively enhance their competitive power and obtains more profit.
Our operating tenet is to make the cargo transportation simple and fast.
Our vision is to become a leading company with innovation and competitive in forwarding industry.
Our mission is to offer outstanding and creative forwarding solution to our clients.
Convenient starts from Ice-sky ...
Our operating tenet is to make the cargo transportation simple and fast.
Our vision is to become a leading company with innovation and competitive in forwarding industry.
Our mission is to offer outstanding and creative forwarding solution to our clients.
Convenient starts from Ice-sky ...
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