The entire cold chain
Trunk to vehicles into the cold storage, sorting, according to customer order by small vehicles to complete the last kilometer cold chain;
Three, cold-chain logistics innovation model
Through downtown main transport, cold storage, warehousing, delivery to complete the entire cold chain distribution services. Provide derivatives services to the customers, such as: order consolidation, frozen goods sorting, packing, etc., safe, green, the entire cold chain provide consumers with reliable, quality, good cold chain services.
Fourth, business model
Branch vehicle scheduling, the headquarters regulation;
Good project team rapid response to provide services;
Strict temperature control management for transport and storage, goods strict quality management approach;
Advanced information management;
Five, the operating advantages
The cold chain transportation network;
Regional city branch and cold storage with the staging and exception handling of goods service;
Advanced transportation management information system, storage system, vehicle scheduling system;
Easy temperature inside the entire GPS tracking and location;
Operation experience for many years;国际物流有限公司是经美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)批准的无船承运人(MOC-NV04120),是知名的美加航线专业国际货运代理公司。同时具有美国海关AMS和ISF系统申报资格;公司拥有合法的并由国际著名保险公司承保的提单;
作为国内美加航线的领军公司,恒扬国际可以保证满足客户对各船公司的舱位需求,同时提供快慢船的不同路径,最大程度地为我们的客人提供灵活的运输方案。 与恒扬合作,您可以得到最理想的船期和合理的运价,因为我们与许多不同类型的船公司签订了常年运价合同,可以满足您的不同的需求。我们常年和以下船公司签有运价协议( 包括从美国到中国的进口服务):ZIM、COSCO、HJ、CSCL、WANHAI、NYK、APL、MSC、MSK、MATSON、EMC、ANL、CMA、CSAV等。同时我们还提供专业的美加航线散杂货运输服务!
Trunk to vehicles into the cold storage, sorting, according to customer order by small vehicles to complete the last kilometer cold chain;
Three, cold-chain logistics innovation model
Through downtown main transport, cold storage, warehousing, delivery to complete the entire cold chain distribution services. Provide derivatives services to the customers, such as: order consolidation, frozen goods sorting, packing, etc., safe, green, the entire cold chain provide consumers with reliable, quality, good cold chain services.
Fourth, business model
Branch vehicle scheduling, the headquarters regulation;
Good project team rapid response to provide services;
Strict temperature control management for transport and storage, goods strict quality management approach;
Advanced information management;
Five, the operating advantages
The cold chain transportation network;
Regional city branch and cold storage with the staging and exception handling of goods service;
Advanced transportation management information system, storage system, vehicle scheduling system;
Easy temperature inside the entire GPS tracking and location;
Operation experience for many years;国际物流有限公司是经美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)批准的无船承运人(MOC-NV04120),是知名的美加航线专业国际货运代理公司。同时具有美国海关AMS和ISF系统申报资格;公司拥有合法的并由国际著名保险公司承保的提单;
作为国内美加航线的领军公司,恒扬国际可以保证满足客户对各船公司的舱位需求,同时提供快慢船的不同路径,最大程度地为我们的客人提供灵活的运输方案。 与恒扬合作,您可以得到最理想的船期和合理的运价,因为我们与许多不同类型的船公司签订了常年运价合同,可以满足您的不同的需求。我们常年和以下船公司签有运价协议( 包括从美国到中国的进口服务):ZIM、COSCO、HJ、CSCL、WANHAI、NYK、APL、MSC、MSK、MATSON、EMC、ANL、CMA、CSAV等。同时我们还提供专业的美加航线散杂货运输服务!
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