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另有1万平方的仓储面积,虚位以待,24小时不间断货物处理能力,极大的满足了客户的各种需求。公司目前在上海、广州、香港、东莞、惠州、中山、义乌、苏州(筹)、宁波(筹)、深圳等地设有30多家分公司及办事处,并在不断拓展浙江,江苏,福建等国内服务网点,业务范围辐射华东、华南大部分地区,覆盖范围之广,在同行业中处于领先地位。我们依靠年轻激情的专业化、高素质的团队,庞大的服务网络,灵活的管理机制,专业的服务手段和先进的信息技术支持,使市场份额稳步扩大,吉新相信:“站在巨人肩头,何必平地而起。”吉新始终处于行业的前端,选择了吉新,选择了成功。 Resorting with China's economic take-off opportunities Shanghai International Trade Transportation co., Ltd. was formally established in 1997. Specializing in land, sea and air import and export of goods and transport-related businesses.
Company owned professional staff who are vastly experienced in foreign trade logistics knowledge, modern transportation vehicles,facilities system, and efficiency & scientific management team. Company also finished the authentication of ISO9002.
We remain very confident with our ability to provide clients with professional service.
Company owned professional staff who are vastly experienced in foreign trade logistics knowledge, modern transportation vehicles,facilities system, and efficiency & scientific management team. Company also finished the authentication of ISO9002.
We remain very confident with our ability to provide clients with professional service.
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