公司在不断发展中一直与国内外各大船公司保持长期稳定的合作关系,优势航线为日韩,澳洲、欧洲、南美、东南亚.中东.地中海,美东美西等航线。铁路联运承接大连、青岛、天津到阿拉山口、满洲里、二连浩特、绥芬河的铁路车皮货物运输。优势空运航线为德国,英国,俄罗斯,非洲,日本,韩国,印度 ,法国,意大利等。
公司秉承“诚信为本、客户至上、服务求优”的服务理念,以优质的服务和良好的信誉赢得了广大客户的充分肯定,与众多客户及货运代理企业建立了良好的合作关系。 In this field, we have received reputation through an uncompromising commitment to the highest standards of service, quality and safety. Oceanstar has also secured this pre-eminence in the market through the single-minded pursuit of excellence in its service with maximum care and efficiency.
We are able to provide you with the complete range of services you require, be it for Importation or Exportation, by air or by sea. We are also able to assist with insurance, information about financing and payment of your purchases and local delivery of your consignment to the required destinations.
We can offer services to all destinations through an effective network. We have close cooperation with other esteemed logistics suppliers all over the world, and this enables us have great ability to deal with customers’ cargoes.
公司秉承“诚信为本、客户至上、服务求优”的服务理念,以优质的服务和良好的信誉赢得了广大客户的充分肯定,与众多客户及货运代理企业建立了良好的合作关系。 In this field, we have received reputation through an uncompromising commitment to the highest standards of service, quality and safety. Oceanstar has also secured this pre-eminence in the market through the single-minded pursuit of excellence in its service with maximum care and efficiency.
We are able to provide you with the complete range of services you require, be it for Importation or Exportation, by air or by sea. We are also able to assist with insurance, information about financing and payment of your purchases and local delivery of your consignment to the required destinations.
We can offer services to all destinations through an effective network. We have close cooperation with other esteemed logistics suppliers all over the world, and this enables us have great ability to deal with customers’ cargoes.
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