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- ·上一篇文章:海运整柜集装箱运输
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The main advantage of our chartering department is handling with the transportation of all kinds of bulk cargo including equipment projects, and the lines cover China to Southeast Asia, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean, the Third-country voyage lines. The tounage of vessels is between 3,000MT and 69,00MT. The main ports of each lines are as bellows:
1. Southeast Asia: Hongkong, Hochiminh, Singapore, Bangkok, Port kelang, Penang, Jakarta, Surabaya,
2. Persian Gulf: Karachi, Bandar Abbas, Dubai, Damman, Kuwait, Muscat Abu Dhabi
3. Rea Sea: Djibouti, Hodeidah, Jeddah, Port Sudan, Aqaba
4. Mediterranean: Alexandria, Oran, Algiers, Tunis, Tartous, Lattakia, Genoa, Venice, Istanbul, Constantza
5. North West Europe: Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Gdynia, Liverpool
6. West Africa: Durban, Lagos, Tema
7. America Gulf: New Orleans, Houston, Great lake
8. Mid-South America: Manzanillo, Puerto Quetzal, Callao, San Antonio, Buenaventura According to the amount of freight we can also adjust contition of sea routes to meet customers' request. Annually we charter in about 80-120 vessels, owing to a group of professional and experienced staff of our company, no accident happened during the operations. With superior-effcient service and stable reputation we are appreciated by our clients very much.
我们竭诚为广大外国留学生出国、中国在外国工作人员、使馆工作人员及家属提供专业的私人物品运输服务。私人物品运输不受件数、重量、体积的限制,且班期固定、价格低廉,采用集装箱运输可以保证您货物的安全。 无论您是需要整箱还是拼箱,我们都将为您提供专业的海关法律、法规及有关手续的咨询和专业的国际运输全程服务。从您选择我们开始,我们的销售代表将现场看货并协助您制定最科学,经济实用的搬迁方案,在其后的拆卸、包装、装箱、运送至目的地、安装、直至客人顺利收货的过程中,我们的销售代表将进行全程跟踪和控制,确保您的物品安全无损的送到目的地您只需拨打一个电话,其他一切有我们完成。不必您亲自动手办理复杂的手续,我公司将派出专业的人员及车队为您服务。 国际移民搬家服务相对于外籍在华企业或者移民搬家人士比较受青睐,当您为多带的行李而机场托运受重量限制的时候,当您需要移民到国外而对大件物品无法搬走而依依不舍的时候,您可以委托我司全程为您服务,只需您一个电话,提前预约好上门收箱或者进行专业的包装服务,便可在我司网站上轻点鼠标,立即让您掌握所托运的行李在全球任何地方的最新进展情况,真正实现了足不出户
1. Southeast Asia: Hongkong, Hochiminh, Singapore, Bangkok, Port kelang, Penang, Jakarta, Surabaya,
2. Persian Gulf: Karachi, Bandar Abbas, Dubai, Damman, Kuwait, Muscat Abu Dhabi
3. Rea Sea: Djibouti, Hodeidah, Jeddah, Port Sudan, Aqaba
4. Mediterranean: Alexandria, Oran, Algiers, Tunis, Tartous, Lattakia, Genoa, Venice, Istanbul, Constantza
5. North West Europe: Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Gdynia, Liverpool
6. West Africa: Durban, Lagos, Tema
7. America Gulf: New Orleans, Houston, Great lake
8. Mid-South America: Manzanillo, Puerto Quetzal, Callao, San Antonio, Buenaventura According to the amount of freight we can also adjust contition of sea routes to meet customers' request. Annually we charter in about 80-120 vessels, owing to a group of professional and experienced staff of our company, no accident happened during the operations. With superior-effcient service and stable reputation we are appreciated by our clients very much.
我们竭诚为广大外国留学生出国、中国在外国工作人员、使馆工作人员及家属提供专业的私人物品运输服务。私人物品运输不受件数、重量、体积的限制,且班期固定、价格低廉,采用集装箱运输可以保证您货物的安全。 无论您是需要整箱还是拼箱,我们都将为您提供专业的海关法律、法规及有关手续的咨询和专业的国际运输全程服务。从您选择我们开始,我们的销售代表将现场看货并协助您制定最科学,经济实用的搬迁方案,在其后的拆卸、包装、装箱、运送至目的地、安装、直至客人顺利收货的过程中,我们的销售代表将进行全程跟踪和控制,确保您的物品安全无损的送到目的地您只需拨打一个电话,其他一切有我们完成。不必您亲自动手办理复杂的手续,我公司将派出专业的人员及车队为您服务。 国际移民搬家服务相对于外籍在华企业或者移民搬家人士比较受青睐,当您为多带的行李而机场托运受重量限制的时候,当您需要移民到国外而对大件物品无法搬走而依依不舍的时候,您可以委托我司全程为您服务,只需您一个电话,提前预约好上门收箱或者进行专业的包装服务,便可在我司网站上轻点鼠标,立即让您掌握所托运的行李在全球任何地方的最新进展情况,真正实现了足不出户
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